Teeth Whitening Tips At Home
No matter how shiny the face is, but if the teeth are yellow then the attraction is reduced. Teeth with shining pearls are not only necessary for healthy teeth but also for an attractive personality. If your teeth turn yellow with your laughter, then you become a laughing stock. Friends, for a smiling smile, white teeth like pearls are needed. Shining teeth also give a new identity to our personality. But in today's era, most of us are troubled by yellow teeth, so let us know some such remedies by which our teeth become shiny.
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Causes of Yellow Teeth
First, know some of the causes of yellow teeth which should be avoided such as:
High amount of chemicals water
Tobacco and smoking
Colored foods
Unhealthy diet
Teeth Whitening at Home - Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening
You will find all the remedies for teeth whitening in the market, but many brands of toothpaste, toothpaste, etc., you will find more effective treatments in your kitchen, which will neither be costly nor full of fear of any kind of side effect, so let's know the effective teeth whitening Home remedies.
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Consume more milk products as they contain calcium which is very important for teeth. Consume tea and coffee in limited quantities only.
According to the best teeth whitening doctor in Gurgaon Strawberries contain malic acid, which is a natural whitening agent that makes teeth white by increasing the production of saliva. Mash a strawberry and rub it lightly on the teeth with the help of a toothbrush and wash it off after 5 minutes. Do this once a week. Strawberries contain a good amount of antioxidants and vitamin C which helps in teeth whitening.
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We all know that Tulsi is used for worship at home, but it also has many medicinal properties. Tulsi has the properties of whitening teeth and removing problems of teeth and mouth. To prevent yellowing of teeth, break basil leaves and keep them in the sun for a few hours. Once they are dry, grind them. You can also massage the teeth by mixing mustard oil with dry basil leaves.
Salt contains both sodium and chloride, which are effective for reducing yellowing of teeth. Massage the teeth by mixing mustard oil with salt two or three times a week.
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Take out the juice of one lemon and mix equal amounts of water in it. Gargle with this water after eating. By doing this daily, yellowing of teeth and bad breath goes away.
Baking soda
Baking soda is the best home remedy to make yellow teeth white. After brushing, massage the teeth with a little baking soda and wash the mouth, this will clean the yellow layer on the teeth.
Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and keep it overnight. Use this datun in the morning. This will eliminate the yellowing of the teeth. If you cannot do datun every day, then definitely do datun once a week. It also makes teeth and gums healthy and strong.
The acidity of the apple helps in whitening the teeth. Chew the apple well and eat it. It has a good amount of fiber which helps in whitening the teeth.
Mix charcoal powder in daily toothpaste and clean the teeth with light hands. Using coal powder twice a day will make your teeth shine.
Orange peel
Vitamin C in oranges kills the germs of the teeth. It makes the teeth stronger and more white. So from now on, whenever you get a chance, before going to sleep at night, rub your teeth with orange peel.
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Banana peel
Bananas are rich in nutrients. Banana peels can also provide many benefits. Banana peels contain nutrients like potassium, magnesium and manganese. With the help of these substances, your teeth can become shiny. Take a little peel of a banana and rub its white part on the teeth for 2 to 3 minutes. After this leave it for 15 minutes and clean the teeth with a good toothpaste. After doing this for 2 to 3 weeks, you will start seeing better results.
Milk and yogurt
Your teeth need calcium and phosphorus for good health. You can overcome the problem of yellow teeth with the help of a mixture of milk and curd. This replenishes the amount of minerals in the enamel of your teeth. This is a great remedy for shiny teeth.
One thing should be kept in mind that due to wrong eating and drinking, yellowing of teeth also occurs. Fast food, sweet sticks on our teeth which makes the teeth yellow. First of all, take care of your diet. Eat fruits and vegetables that require chewing. You can also visit Cosmodontist for wearing Braces Cosmodontist offers reasonable braces cost in Gurgaon.
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